Foreclosure Prevention/Post Purchase Counseling
Foreclosure Prevention and Post Purchase Counseling Programs helps residents who are having difficulties maintaining mortgage payments or are possibility facing default with their mortgage payments. We offer intervention counseling, negotiations with mortgage services, budget counseling to identify a workout solution. These program helps clarify family’s options to stabilize the household finances to either stay in their homes or transition to more affordable housing.
Contact our foreclosure intervention hotline @ 763-783-4880
Financial Education/Counseling
Financial education and counseling helps low to moderate-income individuals help with development of individual budget, review of credit report and an action plan to help them become more self-sufficient. ACCAP offers one-to-one counseling along with Financial Fitness workshop.
FAIM Program
FAIM – Family Assets for Independence in MN. FAIM is an Individual Development Account (IDA) program for low-income wage earners to gain assets through matched savings. You save earned income, which is matched $3 to your $1 of savings for 2 years toward a goal of homeownership, educations or small business. FAIM also provides 12 hours of Financial Fitness Education training and monthly budget counseling. Please call one of our FAIM Coordinators today to see if you qualify for this program.
HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) Spanish-language website
HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) English-language website