Senior Information Line (763-783-4707) is a phone service specifically designed to connect older adults or their family members to community services and resources. Senior Information Line is a unique service that follows up with the caller to ensure that they have connected with appropriate and adequate services. Anyone may call for information regarding housing, support, transportation, chore services, or any other need for an older adult they care about.
Senior Information Line FAQ’s
- Hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 4 PM
- This service is free of charge
- If you find that the resource we provided you does not meet your needs, we call you back in about a week to see if the referral was appropriate. At that time, we would explore other options and try to find alternative solutions to meet your needs.
- If you are searching for housing:
- There is a Housing Guide which lists all senior housing in the metro area. It lists market rate, subsidized, public housing, assisted living and memory care facilities. If you would like one mailed to you please call us at (763) 783-4707.
- After you have had a chance to read the guide, select the buildings that interests you and call that property to inquire about waiting lists and to request an application. At that time of the call, you can also arrange for a tour. For information related to current housing openings, please contact and inquire with the residence of interest directly.
- If you are in need of medical transportation:
- If your appointment is at Unity Hospital, you can call the Anoka County Traveler at (763) 324-3250. (They operate a Dial-A-Ride program that will take you door-to-door for a nominal fee. Transportation must remain within the County).
- There is a volunteer transportation service for doctor and social service appointments that will leave the county and stay with you to drive you home. They only take calls in the morning from 9 AM – 12 PM, and can be reached at (763) 324-3255.
Helpful Links
Metropolitan Area Agency On Aging
Minnesota (Help for seniors locating local community resources)
Anoka County Senior Housing Guide